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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Useful resources for Computer Science students

I recently started learning at a college in Israel... and I love helping others... so here are some resources that are super helpful to me and I hope can assist you guys too!

I recently started learning at a college in Israel... and I love helping others... so here are some resources that are super helpful to me and I hope can assist you guys too! 

The struggle is real, so we do what we can to stay ahead of the pack. 

These are mainly useful for 1st semester and 1st year students, I will be adding more posts for more advanced courses as well! is a great place to start in general, I'm always adding more code and projects!

Digital Systems: 

Basics of Digital Systems -

Boolean Algebra worksheet  -

Boolean Algebra Simplifier -

Decimal to Binary Converter - Twos complement: Negative numbers in binary (Video)

Intro to Computer Science:

Github/Gitlab - for saving your code between devices, shows an extensive history of your code projects and is great for after graduation. In addition github is offering some free tools for education!! 

VSCode - a code editor that is very versatile and light-weight

Github Co-Pilot - automated code completion with so much more (closed-beta) - Books and resources about/for software development


Khan Academy - perfect for catching up on topics in high school that you may have missed 

WolframAlpha - versatile tool for solving many different math problems 

Geogebra - great for geometry and making graphs

Desmos - also great for geometry with some additional features

Other Free Courses: 

Tune in next time for some school supplies and tech recommendations! 

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